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Injection lipolysis is therefore an effective and inexpensive method to remove method of reducing small fat deposits that can neither be neither by a change in diet nor by targeted exercise therapy. by dietary changes or targeted exercise therapy. The treatment is especially suitable for problem areas and not for general weight general weight reduction or for obesity. It patients who wish to avoid surgical intervention. surgery.

Surgery duration: 20-45 minutes depending on area size
Narcosis variant: No anaesthesia
Hospitalisation: No hospital stay
After the surgery: Resumption of usual activities & occupations already immediately afterwards

For which problem areas is injection lipolysis suitable?

Injection lipolysis can be used to remove smaller fat deposits on the arms, legs ("saddlebags"), knees, lower legs, abdomen and chin. (double chin) as well as bags under the eyes can be treated well. In addition, the fat-removal injection is used to treat fat accumulation in the lip-nose area and the male breast, as well as for general body modelling of body modelling of different problem areas. The injections are well tolerated by the patient and he or she is immediately able to work again immediately. Longer downtimes, as they are necessary with other methods, do not occur here. necessary with other methods, do not occur here. However, this method also has its and in the case of larger fat deposits, liposuction is still the only liposuction remains the optimal solution for contouring the body.

We look forward to seeing you!

Office hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: By arrangement

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Contact details

Innovamed Aesthetics GmbH
Königstr. 49 | Theatergasse 23

90402 Nuremberg
Phone: 0911 2369030